6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Asafoetida We Should All Know About

 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Asafoetida We Should All Know About

Hing or asafoetida is a common ingredient in most Indian household kitchens. This pungent smelling spice is made from the latex extracted from Ferula plants – F. foetida and F. assa-foetida. It is used in dals and vegetarian recipes to enhance taste and improve digestion. Hing is also used as a traditional remedy in several ailments. It has long been known for the health benefits it has to offer. It has a prominent place in traditional medicine; thanks to its carminative, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative and diuretic properties. Considering its therapeutic and curative powers, asafoetida is also referred to as the Food of the Gods.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Helps Relieve Asthma

Hing may also help in relieving respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, dry cough, et al due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and antibiotic effects. It also helps in relieving chest congestion and releasing phlegm. All you need to do is to prepare a paste using asafoetida and water and apply on your chest. You can also mix asafoetida and dry ginger powder along with some honey. Consume this mixture to get relief from respiratory issues.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Remedy for indigestion

Hing has been used for centuries as a remedy for gas, bloating and cramps in the stomach. Its carminative and antispasmodic properties relieve flatulence and stomach pain due to excess acid secretions. Its strong taste after cooking stimulates appetite by increasing saliva secretion and helps digestion. Hing also enhances the secretions of bile and other enzymes to break down food.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Kidney protection

Studies on Wistar rats showed that hing extracts improve kidney function by increasing urine volume. Phenolic compounds like and flavonoids present in hing act as diuretics, which helped flush out excess creatinine and urea. Such results suggest that hing consumption may benefit kidneys in humans as well.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Can Heal Insect Bites

Asafoetida acts as a natural antidote for insect bites and stings. All you need to do is to mix garlic and hing paste and apply on the affected area.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Treatment of women’s diseases

Hing is used as a traditional remedy for health issues specific to women, such as menstrual problems, labour complications, unwanted abortion and sterility. It is also given to women who have experienced childbirth to ease the digestive upsets which commonly occur after delivering a child.

asafoetidas health benefits,health benefits of asafoedita,hing benefits,Health tips,healthy living,positive effects of hing

# Anti-cancer

Research shows that hing is effective in reducing tumour in mice. Hing was also effective in reducing the spread of cancer in lungs, liver, kidneys and breasts of the test subjects and helped them gain body weight, lost due to cancer.

5 Perks Of Adding Garlic To Your Diet

 5 Perks of Adding Garlic To Your Diet

Garlic has traditionally been used to enhance the flavor of a wide array of dishes in almost every cuisine known to man. While its seasoning properties have garnered much acclaim, what is also worth mentioning are its innumerable health perks.

There is a reason why garlic has been a regular fixture in countless Ayurvedic and ancient medicinal remedies, or should we say many reasons.The key medicinal compound, also known as a “phytochemical,” in garlic is allicin, which boasts antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant properties.

* Improves Heart Health

Garlic is an excellent superfood for heart health. It improves blood circulation, lowers harmful cholesterol, and prevents heart disease. Its cardioprotective properties help deter atherosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries, thereby helping you skirt the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that garlic compounds can suppress LDL (low-density lipoprotein) oxidation, which may be one of the mechanisms that account for the beneficial effects of garlic in cardiovascular health. To improve cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease, eat 1 or 2 crushed garlic cloves daily in the morning. One must bear in mind that garlic is at its potent best when consumed raw or semi-cooked, as cooking tends to strip allicin of its healing properties.

garlic,health benefits of garlic,health benefits,Health tips,fitness tips

* Controls Hypertension

Studies have shown that garlic helps reduce high blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure. The sulfur-rich compound allicin present in garlic enhances hydrogen sulfide concentrations, which in turn helps to widen the blood vessels.Thus, garlic acts as a vasodilator, which prevents constriction of blood vessels, making blood flow more freely.A 2016 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that garlic supplements are highly tolerated and a potential candidate in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive individuals, to stimulate the immune system and to regulate slightly elevated cholesterol concentration.

* Reduces Arthritis Pain

Garlic has been shown to reduce pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation associated with various forms of arthritis. It also contains a compound called diallyl disulfide, which helps limit cartilage-damaging enzymes. To ease the pain in inflamed and aching joints due to arthritis, include garlic in your regular diet. Preferably, take it on an empty stomach.

garlic,health benefits of garlic,health benefits,Health tips,fitness tips

* Boosts Immunity

Garlic is surprisingly a good source of vitamin C and B6 and the minerals selenium and manganese, all of which boost the immune system by reducing oxidative stress and preventing DNA damage due to free radicals.Garlic is considered a “mineral absorption enhancer,” which increases the bioavailability of minerals such as zinc and iron in plant foods.Plus, garlic has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that strengthen the body’s defense mechanism in fighting infections.

* Treats Cough and Cold

Garlic offers antibiotic and antiviral benefits that make it a wonderful treatment for a cough and colds.Garlic is also highly beneficial in treating various other respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. It can reduce the severity of upper respiratory infections. It also aids in expectoration, making it irreplaceable for those with chronic bronchitis.It is the compound allicin in garlic that is responsible for its antiviral efficacy. A 2001 study published in Advances in Therapies reports that an allicin-containing supplement can protect you from the common cold virus or shorten the duration of a cold.

9 Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect & Healthy Sleep

 9 Things to Do Before Bed for a Perfect & Healthy Sleep

Life is too short to be tired all the time. And you're too busy to spend one more minute in bed than you have to. The obvious solution to these realities is to maximize the quality of your sleep, squeezing as much rest and energy out of every hour in your bed as you can. Of course, there's no substitute for adequate sleep time, but healthy, successful people know that a few simple actions can ensure they wake up rested and ready to go. That's why they always do these things before they turn in for the night.

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Stop Screen Time 2 Hours Before Bed

If you like to read before bed, that’s great… but make sure you’re reading a printed, paper book rather than your iPad or Kindle. When you read books on screens, you’ll have a more difficult time falling asleep, and your melatonin levels will be lower. You’ll likely sleep lightly, and wake up feeling groggy. Your concentration and alertness levels will be reduced, and your immune system will be affected. You might even find that you’re gaining weight more easily.

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Skip Caffeine After 2 PM

Many of us depend on endless cups of coffee (or tea) to get through the day. The “3 p.m. slump” is a very real thing, where we go semi-comatose at work and knock back a double espresso to power us through ‘til 5. This creates a really crappy cycle in which we’re wired far later than we should be. This then causes us to get a less-than-adequate night’s sleep, thus requiring more caffeine the next day, etc. ad infinitum.

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Do Gentle Evening Yoga

Gentle exercise can help you release some of the day’s stress and anxiety so you can wind down a bit more easily. We tense up over the course of the day, and that tension can keep us up at night, manifesting in joint and muscle pain. By doing some gentle stretches and slow, purposeful movement, we work that tension out of our bodies.

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Make Aromatherapy Part Of Your Bedtime Ritual

Scents such as lavender and clary sage are known to relax people so they can get a better night’s sleep.Others may be adaptogenic, meaning that they’ll have different effects on different people. Ylang ylang and jasmine, for example, can either relax or energize people, depending on their unique body chemistry. Lavender in particular helps insomnia by lowering your blood pressure and calming anxiety.

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Consider A Herbal Or Melatonin Supplement

The aforementioned chamomile can be a wonderful sleep aid, provided you’re not allergic to it. Tea made from it, or other calming herbs such as catnip, kava-kava, hops, or valerian, can help your body relax and wind down for sleep. Make a cup a couple of hours before bed, right around the time you turn off your phone. Be mindful as you drink it, and envision the soothing warmth slowly moving its way all around your body, relaxing you from toes to scalp.

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Use The Washroom Right Before Bed

Waking up from a deep sleep because you have to pee is just awful. It interrupts your sleep cycle, and you might end up jolted fully awake by any number of things. Your dog might see your late-night fumblings as an opportunity to play, or you might step on a lego piece and hop around, swearing, before limping back to bed. Using the facilities just before going to bed decreases the chances that you’ll wake in the wee hours and not be able to get back to sleep.

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Take A Hot Bath An Hour Before Bed

Although a deep, relaxing massage is ideal for winding down to sleep, a hot bath works just as well. Possibly even better. Immersing yourself in hot water relaxes your muscles and cocoons you in soft, nurturing warmth. Better still, cooling down from that bath gives your circadian rhythm the heads up that it’s time to get sleepy. That triggers us to drop into the slower mode we need to sleep properly, in which our heart and breathing rates slow down so we can pass into dreamland.

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Make Your Bedroom A Perfect Sleepy Spot

Fill your bedroom with duvets, comfy pillows, blackout curtains… whatever you need to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Sleeping in a quiet space is absolutely vital. If you live in an urban environment where noise pollution from traffic keeps you up at night, consider investing in a white noise generator to block it out.

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Stick To A Regular Sleep Schedule

Aim to train yourself to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. According to the Mayo clinic, the average adult does best with around 7 hours of sleep, so schedule sleepy time to correspond with whatever time you need to wake up to get the kids to school and/or yourself to work on time.

10 Foods That Are Worst For Your Heart

 10 Foods That are Worst For Your Heart

"A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons to fight cardiovascular disease,” states the American Heart Association (AHA) on their website. The message seems pretty straightforward, and research supports the claim, pointing out that a heart-friendly diet can lower the risk of heart disease by 31% according to the Harvard School of Public Health. But what does it really mean to maintain a heart-healthy diet?

Prioritizing whole foods, including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as poultry and fish are the general recommendations you’ll find, which is simple enough, but when it comes to the foods we should avoid, things often get too vague. We are told to stay away from processed foods, trans fats, and consume less sodium, for example.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Sweet Drinks

You likely know that sugary drinks are bad for your teeth and should be avoided by those at risk of diabetes. But the truth is that most of us should limit how much juice, sweet tea or coffee, or soda we have because these concentrated beverages can rapidly increase the level of triglycerides in the blood.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Condiments

Are you customarily adding bottled dressing to your salad? Doctors say that making a simple homemade vinaigrette from 3 parts oil and 1 part vinegar or lemon juice is a much healthier choice. This is because most of the bottled condiments, sweet or savory, are packed with both excess sugar and salt. Just 1 tablespoon of ketchup, for example, can contain 3.7 g sugar and 154.2 mg sodium.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Fried foods

Frying can turn even the most healthy foods, such as zucchini, broccoli, or shrimps into a meal oversaturated in fat and salt. There's plenty of scientific studies that show how eating fried foods can contribute to hypertension, obesity, and type 2 diabetes - all major risk factors of heart disease.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Candy and sweetened dried fruit

Candy is yet another way excess sugar can sneak into your body. Even if you think that you're eating a healthy snack like candied strawberries or craisins, you may actually be harming your heart and arteries. This is because many dried fruit are soaked in a sugar syrup to make them sweeter, so make sure you're eating unsweetened dried fruit if you like them as a snack.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Alcohol

Any type of alcohol can be bad for you, even red wine, which is often confusingly recommended for people with cardiovascular issues. When it comes to alcohol, moderation is key, which is why the AHA recommends limiting one's daily drinking dose to 1 drink for women and 2 for men. This doesn't pertain to people with a high triglyceride count or hypertension, though, as they should abstain from alcohol completely.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Baked goods

There are a few reasons why you should lay off the baked goods if you want to keep your heart healthy, and one of the main reasons is the inclusion of trans fats. Trans fats are artificially created fats that are usually present in some shortenings or margarine. It's common knowledge that we ought to avoid trans fats completely and in 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proclaimed trans fats unsafe, as they mess with the cholesterol balance and lead to cardiovascular issues. Still, many margarine varieties, especially the cheap ones still contain it.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Canned fruit and vegetables

Not all canned or prepared food is bad for you, and we're definitely not urging you to abandon the convenience of using these foods in your meals. Instead, simply be wary of the kind of canned foods you buy and eat. This is because the main issue with canned foods is not in the foods themselves, but rather in the brine they're preserved in. In fact, much of the salt you eat comes from canned or processed foods, such as soups, baked goods, and frozen dinners.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Refined grains

Refined grains have been stripped of their healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals in order to make them quicker to cook, and let's face it - tastier. The problem with these grains is that they're converted into sugar by our body way too quickly, which leads to insulin spikes and fat acquisition in the body. A bigger body weight, in turn, can lead to both heart disease and type 2 diabetes. According to a study from the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, for example, a high intake of refined grains alone increased the risk of heart disease by 9.4%.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Ice cream and full-fat sweetened yogurt

These two foods deserve their own category, since we often don't think of them as an actual part of a meal, but a quick snack or dessert that "doesn't count". Except it does, as both can be a significant source of fat and sugar. Flavored yogurts, for example, are packed with added sugar, with just 100g of yogurt containing as much as 13g of sugar. Therefore, it's better to opt for plain low-fat yogurt instead - you can add in your own fruit and other toppings, after all.

foods that are worst for your heart,foods not good for heart,do not eat these foods,unhealthy foods for heart,healthy living,Health tips

# Cured and fatty meat

Let's unpack this one step by step and start with the excessive saturated fat certain meats contain - as we've mentioned previously, it's important to keep your intake of saturated fats low, so dietitians recommend opting for meat that has less than 10% fat in it. This means that bacon, marbled steak, hamburgers, and pork chops should be a holiday special, and the majority of your protein intake should come from lean red meat, or even better - poultry or fish.

10 Foods That Smells Worst But Are Worth Eating

 10 Foods That Smells Worst But are Worth Eating

These food items are definitely worth tasting. Smells good, tastes good? Think Again.

By default, our sense of smell would easily indicate the taste of the food we eat because we are programmed to believe that what smells good also taste good.

However, it is not always the case. Believe it or not, the rule of the opposites also applies even to the food that we eat. In fact, there are certain foods that have unpleasant smell but are delicious and nutritious.

These ten foods, for instance, might well satisfy your gustatory indulgence inspite of their unpleasant odor.

Below are the 10 smelly foods that are worth eating!

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Kimchi

Kimchi, a fermented cabbage, is a popular Korean dish that may be foul-smelling but it is definitely worth the taste. It is great as a starter and as a side dish.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Durian

One Western tourist once described Durian as, “It smells like hell but it tastes compliments the strong odor. Try it and you’ll love it.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Papaya

Who wouldn’t love papaya because of its healthy attributes? Never mind the smell that is similar to sweat-filled feet, papaya can make a delicious snack, a dessert or a flavoring, too.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Collard greens

This nutritious green is usually served with your favorite cheese, macaroni or chicken fry. Though it exudes a strong sulfur smell, it could be staved off when sauteed with some onions, soup and ham slices. It might easily be one of those you’d like to have again and again.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar may be quite awful the first time you have them, especially in your salad, but with the right mix of olive oil and lemon, you might just find it irresistible.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is definitely not the most foul-smelling cheese there is. It has the characteristic smell of a sweat that is dried up, but who cares when mixed and melts well with your favorite spaghetti recipe?

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Brussels sprouts

Quick-cooking in your saute pan can easily remove the unpleasant smell of the Brussels sprouts. And you might love it too when you mix a modest amount of balsamic vinegar on it.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is also a fermented cabbage like kimchi but with a twist, because of different set of spices being used. Fermented foods, as well know, are one of the best-tasting though not truly good-smelling.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Truffle Oil

The earthy aroma of truffle oil gives that distinct “organic” smell and once you get used to it, you’ll appreciate its richness when used in your foods, especially in your favorite Italian dishes.

smells worst,food that smell worst,eating smelly food,food that smell,Health,Health tips

# Boiled Eggs

This protein-rich food may give off a sulfur-smelling odor but it is easy to prepare and taste good when made into a sandwich, sprinkled with salt and pepper, or even a chili sauce; or just a topping on your favorite ramen dish.

Reasons Why Flaxseeds Are Amazing For Your Skin

 Reasons Why Flaxseeds are Amazing For Your Skin

Don’t let the small and simple flax seed fool you. It is one of the richest plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids and a whole lot of other essential nutrients. Include this tiny seed into your daily diet and bring new levels of health and beauty into your life.

Flax seeds are one of man’s earliest cultivated ‘superfoods’, tracing their history to 3000 BC in Babylon. There are tales of King Charlemagne who made it compulsory for his subjects to consume flax seeds daily.

Somewhere between then and now, the seed got pushed to the back shelf. It’s time to bring flax seeds benefits back upfront.

The seeds contain just the right amount of fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and are excellent for your skin, hair and overall health.

flax seeds for skin,skin care tips,beauty tips,beauty hacks,flaxseeds for skin,benefits of flaxseeds

# Encourages healthy bowel movement

If the inside of your body is performing perfectly, the result will show on your skin. A healthy, proper bowel movement prevents skin diseases and encourages newer healthier skin cells.

# Keeps skin hea

The omega-3 fatty acids in flax seeds minimize skin rashes, irritation, and redness, and also help wounds heal faster.

# Moisturises skin

Flax seeds help the body secrete more oil, and keep it soft and supple, making it perfect for your winter diet. Massaging the skin with flaxseed oil prevents moisture from escaping and also keeps wrinkles at bay.

flax seeds for skin,skin care tips,beauty tips,beauty hacks,flaxseeds for skin,benefits of flaxseeds

# Protects from the sun

Flax seeds offer protection against skin damage from sun exposure and prevent skin cancer.

# Fights acne

Flax seeds control the production of sebum that could lead to acne. For acne-free skin, eat 1-2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily.

flax seeds for skin,skin care tips,beauty tips,beauty hacks,flaxseeds for skin,benefits of flaxseeds

# Stops hair breakage

Eating flax seeds makes your hair elastic and strong, and prevents hair breakage.

# Prevents dandruff

Use flaxseed oil for hair to keep your scalp nourished and moisturized, and prevent flaking and dandruff. After applying flaxseed oil use Head & Shoulders Lemon Fresh shampoo for further dandruff reduction.

# Fights male baldness

Flax seeds fight the enzyme that leads to male baldness.

The only downside is that our bodies cannot digest whole flax seeds. In their powdered form, there are many ways you can add them to your diet.

8 Tips To Care For Curly Hair

 8 Tips To Care For Curly Hair

Hair is one of the important aspects of a personality that can add or negatively affect the look and appearance of a person. This is especially valid for women who directly connect the hair with beauty.

However, each one is born with specific hair type just like skin type. There are a lot of women who are born with curly hair. It is important for them to know that curly hair definitely looks elegant but is high maintenance. Once has to take a lot of care to maintain the right curls. Rather than opting for expensive treatments available in the market, one should use simple and basic tips to care for the curly hair.

# Look for a Good Hair Stylist:

One of the main tips that you need to stick by is to look for a hair dresser that perfectly know what you want. They should be able to handle and take care of your curls and give you that regular trim and styling that suits you. This will definitely make things much easier for you.

curly hair,curly hair care tips,how to care curly hair,hair care tips,hair care,beauty,beauty tips

# Use Specialized Products:

Nowadays, hair care products are available in the market keeping in the mind the needs and requirements of different types of the hair. The same is available for curly hair. There are specialized shampoos and conditioners that should be used on the hair that is especially made for curls. Your hair stylist can guide you here.

# Do Not Brush:

One of the simple tips for wonderfully curly hair is to banish the use of brush completely. One should use their fingers and hands to detangle the hair gently and effectively. De-tangling sprays are also available in the market for this purpose.

# Use of Microfiber Towel:

The best way to dry up the curls is to use a microfiber towel available in the market. Also, the towel should not be rubbed on the curls, instead try and blot the water on the towel. This will help you avoid frizz that curly hair is most prone to. A blow dryer can be used on low air to dry the curls faster if you are in a hurry.

curly hair,curly hair care tips,how to care curly hair,hair care tips,hair care,beauty,beauty tips

# Products to Keep Handy:

Since curly hair is prone to dryness and frizz you can easily have a bad hair day without knowing. By keeping anti frizz serums, heat protectants and styling gels handy, you can get over this crisis in a much faster and easier way. It will make the hair more manageable.

# Extra Conditioning is Required:

For curly hair is dry and frizzy, make sure you deep condition the hair more than often and have a number of conditioning ways to use. This is especially valid for the tips of the hair where it is difficult for the natural oils to reach. Conditioner should be used after every wash and if that does not work then use leave in conditioners for getting better outcomes.

# Keep the Hands off:

Keep your hands away from the curls as much as you can. The less you play with the hair, the better it will be maintained. Many girls have this habit of touching the hair more than often. If you want some great curls, then do not follow this habit. It will help in keeping the frizz under control.

# Do not Wash Too Often:

Curly hair is prone to dryness and frizz. Shampooing the hair more than often will only wash away the natural oils to an extent where the problem gets out of control. It is highly recommended that you do not wash the hair more than twice a week.

Perfect Way To Do Hair Massage For Good Hair Growth

 Perfect Way To Do Hair Massage For Good Hair Growth

A healthy scalp is the most important cure towards a healthy mane. Head massage for hair growth essentially involves massaging the scalp. A little stimulation to the scalp may keep any potential problems away. Over the observations of many years scalp massages can help induce the following benefits:

- Produces endorphins which are the hormones that induce relaxation.
- Improves blood circulation by stimulating blood vessels. This ensures that the proper nutrients are received by the hair follicles.
- Eases muscle tension.
- Reduces pain due to increased levels of serotonin hormones.

hair massage,hair massage for good hair,hair massage tips,perfect way to do hair massage,beauty,hair care tips,scalp care tips,beauty tips

Ways To Head Massage

You can visit a SPA and get your hair massaged from expert hands or try them for yourself. To try it at home you may follow the given steps.

* Pour out some nutrient rich hair oil into a bowl and warm it up. Warm it to a temperature that is comfortable to the touch.

* With the help of your fingertips apply the oil to different parts of your scalp. Create partings to get better access to the scalp region.

* Make sure to use gentle strokes to evenly distribute the oil as well as help the scalp absorb the nutrients.

* Once absorbed finish it up with steady yet vigorous strokes to improve blood circulation.

hair massage,hair massage for good hair,hair massage tips,perfect way to do hair massage,beauty,hair care tips,scalp care tips,beauty tips

Brushes can give you a very relaxing and pleasurable feeling along with promoting hair growth. It is said that normally brushing the hair around early evening ensures hair growth.

A scalp massage brush is usually something small, which fits in the palm of your hand. It has thick bristles with rounded tips made specifically for the scalp. It is not like the average combs or brushes that we use otherwise.

Just as a scalp massage pulls out the scalp’s natural moisturizers, the brush tips also help doing the same and evenly spread it all over the hair. This leads to shiny and strong hair.

The biggest benefit is that a scalp massage ensures relief from stress and tensions. It is the most relaxing way of promoting the hair’s growth. From Doctors to Ayurveda, every one believes in the magic of a massage. Why don’t you try it out yourself?