If you want to see the age of 40 at 20, then use these home remedies, you will get furry skin

Cleaning is most necessary. In such a situation, it is necessary to keep the dirt clean from the face periodically, so that the skin continues to breathe and the brightness of the face remains intact. If you want to, it is easy to make home remedies that can be specially painted on your skin.

The most common skin problems with acne change are acne. To avoid these, make a simple pack by using 2 tsp multine clay, a pinch of camphor and a few drops of clove oil. Mix it with silver water and place it on the acne. Dry and wash with cold water in the fridge. Black oil should be carefully used because its properties make it hot and excessive use can cause skin burn.

There are natural elements in lemon that cleans the skin deeply. This gives the skin extracellular oil. You can apply lemon and turmeric powder for this. For this, take turmeric powder and lemon juice in a bowl and prepare a paste using water. Then apply it on the whole face and leave for about 10-15 minutes, wash the face with water now, it will lose face color.

After knowing about the benefits of drinking turmeric in milk, it will be jubilant

Turmeric is a very good and completely natural antibiotic. It is used in many different types of things. Turmeric is also used for many problems related to skin to stomach. Along with that, it is also a very good option for our health. It works to improve our health, not only turmeric but turmeric leaves are also very beneficial and you will know about milk as well as how good it is for our body. There are many types of nutrients in it that work to improve our health and look good to our health. Calcium is found in abundance in milk and milk is a compilation diet, which alone can be used to rid us of many kinds of diseases, and when both milk and turmeric are mixed together, its advantages, think how much more Will increase. So let us know what are the advantages of drinking turmeric milk-