Make your skin bright and shiny, this work ...

All the girls want to get healthy healthy and blimishing free skin, but due to various reasons for daily sunlight, pollution and many reasons, skin color becomes dark. To remove skin darkness, girls use fairness cream. Who can not help in enhancing your skin color. Today we are going to tell you about some of the things that will make your skin look bright and shiny.

1- Dahi is a milk product because it contains plenty of lactic acid properties. Which shades skin and lightens and bleaches. Lactic acid contains alpha hydroxical acid which cleanses the skin color. For skin whitening, leave half a cup of fresh curd on your face and leave it for 5 minutes. Afterwards wash your face with clean water. Use it daily to get better results.

2- The properties of natural mild bleach are abundant in honey. Which help in skin whitening. It also helps to remove the skin from the dead cells as well as making the skin white. Use it to put raw organic honey on your face. Wash your face with lukewarm water after massage after 5 minutes.

3- Besan has properties of bleaching and skin whitening. Apart from this, it works like a fine skin exponent and removes dead skin in the skin, cleansing the dirt in the hair follicles of the skin. Mix one spoon gram flour, half spoon honey, one spoon milk cream and lemon juice in a bowl and mix it well. Now put it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Afterwards wash your face with lukewarm water.

Make your skin bright and shiny, this work ...

By the way, the biggest impact of changing weather is on the skin. Due to changes in weather, the skin starts drying and the skin cells begin to build. Because of which girls and women have to face a lot of beauty problems. It is important to keep the skin hydrated when weather changes occur.

Do such care:

  1.  The moisture content of the face starts changing with weather changes. Always use the Cream Best Cleaner. This will give moisture to your skin and your hair follicles of the skin will also be cleared.
  2.  Due to cold wind the skin becomes rigid and lifeless. So, use the moisturizer on your skin daily. Always choose the right moisturizer for the cold weather.
  3.  Regular facials and scrubbing are necessary to repair dead skin in the changing season and make it smoother. By doing so your skin will remain shiny.
  4.  It is also important to take the right and balanced diet to keep the skin healthy during the changing season. Eat at least 7 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  5. Pre-lavender oil on your skin before sleeping. If you do not have lavender oil then you can also use coconut oil.
How to get blubber skin Skin Tips in Hindi

How to get blubber skin Bedaag Skin Tips in Hindi - We often have to deal with many problems related to skin. We also deal with costly beauty products to deal with them. If still not get rid of problems, then you should try some home remedies. Let's talk today, about some similar home remedies

Muhase ka ilaj in hindi

If you want to get rid of acne from home remedies, then take this remedy for it -

Take a half teaspoon of curd, put some lemon drops in it and add it to the acne.
To get quick comfort, place a bottle of tea on one bottle of oil.
Drink seven to eight glasses of water a day.
How to remove dark complexion

You can take the following measures to remove the dark complexion -

Rinse the tomato slices on the face for 20 minutes.
Rubbing on the face for 15 to 20 minutes, half-cut lemon leaves the color of the skin.
Get rid of unwanted hair
Mix a little wheat flour in it and add some wheat flour to it. Put this paste on the hair, but keep in mind that the skin should be dry and clean at that time, it is rubbing it slowly after drying it does not dry the skin. And get rid of unwanted hair. Besides, adopt basic skin care daily, and see this summer also you will see the blinking.

Daily Kleinjing Daily face cleansing at home
In the morning, face cleansing of the face must be stopped by the hair follicles of the skin. For this, remove the cleansing cream on your face with finger tips before finger, then put the extra cream on the face with a cotton wool.

Massage is necessary daily massage
Massage from face light or cold cream. Meditation, massage from bottom to bottom, outside from the inside. Massage is done through the skin, inside the skin. As a result, the face comes on the face. Besides the face, massage the whole body. Strength will also come along with stress

Mild scrubbing hild scrubbing
Scrubing removes dead cells from the skin and comes a new flavor on the face. If the skin is oily then get the Pizza Walnut scrub, to make it at home. Take rice and lentil pulse powder in equal quantity. Mix rose water on the back and neck. After five to seven minutes for lightly hand-washing, wash it with lukewarm water and add moisturizer to the face. This skin is curly, then the strawberry containing scrub In industry.

Face face face mask lagaye
Given the type of skin, insert a mask on the face. There are several types of face masks available in the face. Face mask comes from the instant glow on the face.

Foot Care
Besides cleaning the skin, it is also necessary to clean the feet and clean the feet and remove the herbs after reaching the feet with a clean towel, apply the meat scrub on India, massage for some time, after 5 to 6 minutes, dissolve it with water and make feet cream. Use the foot cooler to burn

Soft hands
To maintain the softness of the feet, make Menny Cure, keep the food balanced for the sake of beauty in the beauty of the food, so that the non-acidity can be done at lunch or dinner every day and take proper diet as well. Perform a lightweight exercise