6 Home workouts with no equipments for killer arms

Strong arms have a lot more to serve in one's life than just having a vanity perspective

A toned and healthy pair of arms is something that many would love to have. Apart from the appearance point of view, strong arms help a person in performing his everyday chores.

So to get these toned and strong arms, there are many exercises in which one need not go to the gym, and they can be performed anywhere. Hence, this article aims to educate people regarding some of these exercises.

Alongside, I'll also be explaining intricately about the composition of each muscle in the arm's anatomy.


Triceps refers to the muscle group present at the back of a person's upper arm which comprises of triceps brachii, including muscles like the long head of the tricep and the lateral head.

It is one of the most significant muscles of the arm, and it is often neglected by people while training their arms. They mainly concentrate on toning their biceps without knowing the fact that triceps consists of 60% of the upper arm muscles.

Keeping that in mind, let's discuss some of the best bodyweight workouts to train the triceps:

#1 Bodyweight triceps dips

Bodyweight triceps dips is one of the most important exercises to not only train the lateral head but the tricep muscles overall. It additionally strengthens the upper body and increases range of motion.

To perform it, you should place your hands on the edge of a bench, couch or bed. The elbows must be placed as close to his body as possible. Now, you should maintain your spine, abs, hamstrings, and glutes stable and lower down your body while bending the knees, until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Next, you have to come up to the starting position and repeat. You should perform 12-15 reps of it in 3 sets and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.

#2 Diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups are the most difficult yet a very crucial and effective exercise for the triceps, which primarily focuses around the lateral head of the tricep and also proves to be an excellent workout for the middle pecs. Along with that it additionally helps in building up the brachialis part of the bicep.

To perform it, you should get into the push-up position. Your hands should make the shape of a diamond at the centre. The elbows must be locked and placed as close to your body as possible. Now, you should keep your spine and abs straight and stable, and bring down your chest as much close to your hands as possible. However, remember that the chest shouldn't touch your hands. Next, you have to come up to the starting position and repeat. You should perform 3 sets of it having 8-10 reps and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.

#3 Triceps Extension with a towel

The last exercise for the triceps is the triceps extension, which can be performed with either a towel or a resistance band. It focuses on working out the tricep muscles. However, it mainly targets the long head of the triceps.

To perform it, you should hold the towel in your hand on the side of the tricep which you want to train. Then, you should keep it directly on the back of your head and utilise the other hand as the resistance by pushing the towel downwards because of which, now more tension is applied on the triceps and therefore, you have to apply more power to pull it up.

Remember, the elbows should be locked in the movement, and only the movement of forearms should take place. You should perform 10-12 reps of it in 3 sets and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.


The second major muscle group after triceps in the upper arm (above elbow) consists of biceps, which is made up of the three main muscles.

These are namely the short head of the bicep, the brachialis muscle which is available on the external side and between the triceps lateral head and the biceps brachii, as well as the brachioradialis muscle which goes right from lower arms and associates between the brachialis and the lateral head of the tricep. Strong biceps have a viral role to play in strengthening the arms.

Keeping that in mind, let's discuss some of the best bodyweight workouts to train the biceps:

#1 Bicep push-up

The first and the chief exercise for biceps is the bicep push-up, which helps in giving a crest or peak to the biceps by targetting the biceps brachii. Moreover, it makes movement easy for a person while performing the workout for brachialis and brachioradialis part, as it bends the forearm towards the upper body and is thus used in lifting and pulling movements.

To perform it, you should get into the push-up position and your biceps brachii should face outwards. Your spine should be stable and straight, and elbows tucked as close to the body as possible. Next, you have to lower down your body, while squeezing the biceps as much as possible, then come up to the starting position and repeat. You should perform 12-15 reps of it in 3 sets and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.

#2 Chin-ups

Chin-ups are a standout amongst the most important and effective exercises for the overall improvement of the biceps and even for the whole arm muscles. It additionally helps in training the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscle (better known as "lats"), which helps in strengthening the back. It is also considered a good workout for mainly training the brachioradialis part of the biceps which strengthens the lower arms.

To perform it, you should hang onto a bar with an underhand grip, i.e. with you palm facing you. Your abs and lower arms should be locked. The back should be kept stable. Now, you have to pull your body up until your chin goes above the bar. Then, come down to the starting position and repeat. You should perform 10-12 reps of it in 3 sets and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.

#3 Bicep curl with a towel

Last but not least, this workout majorly focuses on the short head of the bicep and it not only helps in giving a peak to the biceps but also aids a person when their arms are engaged in pulling movements.

To perform it, you should hold the towel in your hands on the side of the biceps you want to train. Now, you should push the towel with your other hand downwards and utilise it as the resistance, because of which now more tension is applied on the bicep and therefore, you have to pull it up with more force. You should perform 12-15 reps of it in 3 sets and take 10-20 seconds break between each set.