Best Ways To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair At Home

Best Ways To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair At Home
Unwanted facial hair severs your beauty. To eliminate these, you take the help of bleaching and other beauty treatments. During this time, you also experience pain and skin problems. Even without a parlor, you can remove these hairs at home. This will save you money and won't hurt you much.
* Mix lemon and honey or sugar in a 1:4 ratio to make a paste. Now mix it well and apply your face. The citric acid present in the lemon will not only relieve you of it but also enhance the color. On the other hand, honey will make it gentle. When dried, disengage by rubbing it with a wet cloth.
* Take the white portion of the egg. Add gram flour or cornflour to make a paste. Apply it on your face and unwanted hairy part. When drying, remove it slowly and then wash off the face.
* Paste made of besan and milk is the centuries-old formula for unwanted hair removal. Add 2 tbsp of gram flour to the milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this paste on your face. When dried, rub it in the direction of hair growth and release it.
* The papene enzyme in papaya relieves this problem with the fine color. Take half the raw papaya and mix milk and grind it to a paste. Add a pinch of turmeric and apply it on your face. After 15 minutes, disengage and wash your face.
* Paste made of potatoes and moong dal is also effective in eliminating it. For this, soak a quarter of the bowl of moong dal overnight. Grind and make a paste in the morning. Add potato juice and apply it on your face. After 10-15 minutes, disengage by rubbing it.


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