The Best Treatments For Migraines & Headaches


Headaches and migraines have adverse impact on the quality of life of more than 47 million Americans who frequently suffer from these symptoms, not to mention the costs in lost job hours and in medical expenses. Many of these sufferers will almost immediately take medication to eliminate the pain, said medications of which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers and antidepressants.

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But before reaching into the medicine cabinet, you can try these safe, affordable and doable yet effective treatments first. You will soon be able to get your headache and migraine symptoms under control, thus, enabling long-term management.

• Get a massage.

Massage improves blood circulation and, thus, eases the pain brought on by headaches. This provides for temporary relief but if it means lesser dependence on painkillers, then it is certainly a good option. Try rubbing your temples or, better yet, getting a full-service massage on your neck, head and back.

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• Soak in a hot tub.

Soaking in a hot tub will help enormously with either migraines or tension headaches. Only ten minutes relaxing in a hot tub or spa with hot water and jets that stimulate the muscles especially in the neck and back areas.

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• Stretch your muscles.

The rationale is in relaxing your tense muscles especially around the neck area, which will lessen the tension in your head. Try neck range of motion, shoulder shrugs, and neck isometrics; do these stretching exercises 2 times a day for 20 minutes each session.

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• Do yoga.

Yoga combines the benefits of body posture positions, mental meditation, and breathing exercises, all of which can help in lessening your physical and mental stress. You will then be more relaxed and, hence, less prone to headaches.

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• Engage in aerobics.

There's no need to engage in aerobic exercises that will contribute to the throbbing in your head. Brisk walking, biking and swimming as soon as you detect the signs of a headache are recommended. Better yet, adopt these exercises as part of your physical fitness plan.

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• Apply heat and cold.

This is so safe that even pregnant women can use it. Apply a heat pack to the back of your neck to alleviate neck tightness while placing an ice pack on your temples can ease a pulsating headache.

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• Avoid nitrates and nitrites.

What you eat also affects your tendency to suffer from frequent attacks of headaches or migraines. Avoid nitrites and nitrates in processed foods, caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol especially when you have high susceptibility for these food items.

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