Weight Loss: Green Tea To Burn Fat & It’s Side Effects

Green tea is considered as one of the best beverages for weight loss as it helps detoxification and boosts metabolism. As it has low calorie, it can be an idle replacement for coffee and tea.
Those who want to lose weight fast should add green tea to their daily diet. Check below as to when and how to have green tea for your weight loss goal.
Green Tea for Weight Loss
It is believed that one should have 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day but the amount varies from person to person.
If possible, use green tea leaves instead of green tea bags. While making the tea, don’t overheat it as it may damage the catechins.
As one’s metabolism rate is higher during the day, it is often suggested that green tea should be taken after having breakfast and lunch.
Some Side Effects of Green Tea
When one drinks green tea on an empty stomach, it may lead to stomach ache and nauseous symptoms.
Green tea can lead to dehydration and in case of excessive consumption it may cause reduce iron level in the body.
Some people have also complained of headache after consuming the tea. Besides, it is believed that green tea affects people on medications.
(The content is just for informative purpose and one should always consult a doctor before taking up any type of weight-loss regime)