5 Homemade Cleansers for Clear and Nourished Skin

To maintain the beauty of your skin cleansing is important. It is not possible to get rid of make-up using chemical cleansers. Some residue from the face wash stays back closing the skin pores and the skin starts getting worse. Here’s is a list of natural cleansers that are easy to make at home, which will not only keep your skin clean but it will nourish it.

* Chickpea and turmeric powder
Take half a cup of chickpea powder. Add one tsp turmeric and half cup milk to it. Put this pack on face, forehead and neck. Wash after 2 minutes. It is the best cleanser for oily and combined skin.
* Curd and cucumber

Grate a cucumber and remove its juice. Add 3-4 tbsp of curd and apply to the face, forehead and neck. It also removes stains and lines while cleaning the face.

* Curd and honey

Mix half cup honey in half cup curd. Apply on face, forehead and neck and rub gently. Wash with cold water after 2-3 minutes.
* Almond and egg

Grind 5-6 almonds and make thin powder. Blend well with an egg yolk and add one tbsp honey to it. Apply to face, forehead and neck and slowly massage. Wash your face with lukewarm water after drying. It is a good cleanser for dry skin.

* Pineapple punch

Place the pineapple slices or juice on the face and let it dry. Then wash the face with lukewarm water.