Skincare Tips: THESE are the best herbal remedies for the skin problems

Struggling with skin problems? Say no to cosmetic products and try these herbal remedies to get rid of all kinds of skin problems.
Skincare Tips: THESE are the best herbal remedies for the skin problems

We all want clear, acne-free, smooth and glowing skin. But having a flawless skin gets obstructed by several external factors like pollution, dirt and dust, sun rays, etc. These factors contribute to different skin problems that we have to deal with. However, if you use natural ingredients regularly, it can work wonders on your skin. They can help to get rid of the skin problems.It is always recommended to use home-based ingredients on our skin. Home remedies can save us from all kind of skin problems. Check them out below.Herbal remedy for acneAcne is the most common problem. But acne, breakouts and pimple are now quite common among young women as well. So, to combat acne you have one magical ingredient at your home that is tomato.

1- Take a half portion of tomato and rub it on your skin.2- This will regulate the sebum production on your skin.3- As a result, skin breakouts or acne won't occur.

Herbal remedy for ageing skinAgeing is a natural process that cannot be prevented with any home remedy. But we can prevent the early signs of ageing and provide a glow to the skin by using an egg face pack.

1- Break an egg and separate the yolk from the white portion.2- Now, whisk the egg yolk until it becomes foamy. Apply it on the face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Herbal remedy for dry lipsThe skin around the lips is quite sensitive which gets signs of ageing.

1- Apply some honey on your lips before going to the bed and leave it overnight.2- Next morning, scrub it with a mixture of sugar granules. This will remove the dead skin cells.

Herbal remedy for dark circlesPotato and cucumber are the best ingredients for dark circles.

1- Place a slice of either cucumber or potato over closed-eyes and leave it for 10-12 minutes.

Herbal remedy for dark spotsDark spots are the common signs of ageing that can be prevented by raw potato.

1- Grate a raw potato in a bowl and add some drops of lemon juice.2- Now, gently rub this mixture on the skin in a circular motion. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash it off with normal water.

Herbal remedy for suntanThis is another common problem which people staying outdoor have to deal with. The more you spend your day outdoors, the more you tend to catch a suntan.1- Mix 1 tbsp curd, a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon.2- Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Then, wash it off with water. This will gradually remove the tan from the skin.

Applying these home remedies regularly for a long time will show visible results.