Here Is What To Do To Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Here is What To Do To Get Rid of Whiteheads
When dirt, sebum and dead skin cells clog your pores you end up with what’s commonly known as whiteheads. They are a little different from blackheads in that whereas blackheads can be pushed out, whiteheads are enclosed within the pore making it a bit challenging when it comes to treatment. There’s hope nevertheless because now there are natural ways to deal with them right at the comfort of your home, and in this article we will exhaust them for you.

First of all as a disclaimer, for these remedies to work effectively you'll need to keep your hands off your face completely. When you touch your face you invite bacteria, dirt, oil and more clogging which will result in irritation. So avoid popping and picking them as much as you can because it simply doesn't help. In fact, it does more harm than good. There are cases where popping and picking them has led to permanent scarring and you don't want that. Here is what to do.
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Vitamin A cream

Vitamin A is a good solution for inflammation and redness. It also promotes the growth of healthy cells. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that's very powerful. Using it regularly will help you keep whitehead away and your face healthy. When using products creams sold in natural stores please make sure you wear your sunblock because these products can have sensitivity to the sun and cause you redness.

whiteheads,get rid of whiteheads,tips to get rid of whiteheads,whiteheads problem,skin care,skin care tips,beauty tips,beauty
Tea Tree Oil

Apart from the noticeable smell, tea tree oil is famed for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It also has antimicrobial activity which gives it the ability to clear whiteheads. The following products contain tea tree oil, cleansers, spot treatment masks. Sometimes it's also available as an extract. If you find it this way simply pat directly onto your face.
whiteheads,get rid of whiteheads,tips to get rid of whiteheads,whiteheads problem,skin care,skin care tips,beauty tips,beauty
Aloe vera

The uses of aloe are numerous. It has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Just like tea tree oil it is also available as an extract which can be purchased OTC.

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Witch hazel

The flowering plant has pore opening qualities which are really important when dealing with whiteheads. It's astringent properties are also good for soothing which prevents you from constantly touching your face. To apply it properly simply dip a piece of cotton wool in the witch hazel and gently apply on your face twice per day.