Nutmeg Is Highly Rich In Vitamin C, A, B6, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium And Dietary Fiber, Read Its Health Benefits

Nutmeg is Highly Rich in Vitamin C, A, B6, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Dietary Fiber, Read Its Health Benefits
Nutmeg is one the natural herb cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Nutmeg is Myristica fragrans. It belongs to the genus Myristica family Myristicaceae. It is believed that this natural herb is native to the Indonesian Moluccas Island, but now it is also cultivated widely all over the world for domestic and commercial purpose.

Due to various types of Vitamin, Minerals and nutrients, present in the Nutmeg, it has lots of health benefits. Among that some of the health benefits of Nutmeg include improving immune system, increase blood circulation, provide relief from pain, reduce insomnia, detoxify the body, improve oral health, improves digestive health, prevent leukemia, improve brain function, improve skin health and helps to prevent the risk of anemia.

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* Nutmeg Boost Immune System

Due to the presence of vitamin C and essential oil, such as myristicin, elemicin, eugenol and safrole in Nutmeg, it is very helpful to improve our body immunity to fight against foreign invaders such as virus and bacteria. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, which fight against free radicals and protect our body from free radicals to do any oxidative damage to our cells that helps to prevent various types of cancerous disease in our body. Vitamin C also helps to improve the production of white blood cells, which is an important part of our immune system that protects our body from foreign invaders, such as virus and bacteria. Different studies have been proven that consumption of Nutmeg on a regular basis can prevent various types of common disease caused by bacteria and virus, such as cold, cough, fever, flu, etc.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Provides Relief from Pain

Nutmeg contains fixed oil trimyristin and essential oil such as myristicin, elemicin, eugenol and safrole, it has anti-inflammatory and pain soothing properties, which is very good for our body to reduce inflammation and pain. Studies have been proven that the use of Nutmeg oil on a regular basis can improve the blood circulation and consumption of nutmeg helps to reduce the strain on our blood vessels; it also prevents various types of heart related problem such as heart attack, heart stroke, etc. It also helps to reduce various types of inflammation related problem such as asthma, chronic muscle strain and arthritis.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Improves Digestive Health

Nutmeg is highly rich in dietary fiber, which is very beneficial for our digestive health and also helps in preventing various types of digestion related disease, such as constipation, gas, ulcers, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux disorder. Consumption of fiber add bulk to our stomach and improves the bowel movement, it also ensures elimination of waste from our body in time, which is the main cause of various types of digestion related issues. Apart from this Nutmeg is also highly rich in vitamin C, which helps in preventing oxidative damage to our digestive cells and reduces the risk of various types of cancer, such as colon cancer.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Improves Brain Function

Different studies have been proven that consumption of the Nutmeg on a regular basis can improve our brain function and it also helps to maintain good mental health. Nutmeg contains high amount of essential oil, such as myristicin and macelignan, which help to reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function, which is the main cause of dementia or Alzheimer disease. Apart from this vitamin C present in Nutmeg is also very beneficial to prevent the oxidative damage to our neurological cells caused by free radicals.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Detoxify the Body

Nutmeg is a natural detoxifier, Nutmeg is diuretic in nature, which mean, it improves the urinary frequency in our body, which helps to flush out the extra water, toxin, uric acid and other unwanted element from our body. It also helps to reduce the risk of stone formation in our liver and kidneys. Beside this consumption of Nutmeg also helps to reduce the body weight because our urine contains 4% of fat, so it helps to eliminate the extra body fat that help to reduce the body weight.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Improves Skin Health

Nutmeg contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties due to the presence of essential oil in it, which is very good for our skin and it also helps in healing wound in our skin. Apart from this it also highly rich in antioxidant, such as vitamin C, this protects our skin from free radical and stabilized them, so that they should not do any kind of oxidative damage to our skin cells and tissues. Studies have been proven that consumption of the Nutmeg on a regular basis can improve our skin health and reduce various types of skin related problems, such as wrinkles, acne, black spot, signs of aging, etc.

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* Nutmeg Prevents Insomnia

Due to presence of Iron and other essential oil, such as myristicin and macelignan in Nutmeg, it is very beneficial for improving the brain function and prevents Insomnia. Iron improves the oxygenated blood circulation to the brain and prevents anxiety and stress, which helps our brain to function properly and our sleep timing. Studies have been proven that consumption of Nutmeg on a regular basis will not only improve the brain function, but it also helps to prevent various type sleeping disorders like insomnia.

nutmeg,Health tips,healthy living,health benefits of nutmeg,vitamin c rich
* Nutmeg Improves Oral Health

Due to present of anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties in Nutmeg due to the presence of various essential oil, it is very helpful to keep our oral health good. Antibacterial properties help to prevent bacteria formation in our mouth and antiseptic properties help in healing the ulcers and cut in the mouth. Studies have been proven that consumption of Nutmeg on a regular basis can improve the oral health and prevent various types of oral problem, such as bad breath, ulcers, bleeding gums, etc.