Rule 5 Human Body Hava


Air element

The quality of is touch. Saturn is the controller of this element. It is related to our sensory sense ie our skin. Due to the predominance of air element, the body of the native becomes agile. The element of air promotes a person in his field and he benefits in business, the person who has the dominance of this element is truthful and spuristic.

Our body is made up of Panchatattva, all these elements exist in different proportions in our body. If there is an imbalance of any of these elements in the body, then different qualities and characteristics come in the behavior of the person. With the help of astrology, we can know all the things about a person's personality. Making it possible to ensure their proper treatmentHava - The Space element is non-resistance and it also defines the gap or space between two things. There should be a perfect Space maintained between our Joints, thoughts etc. If due to any reason space decreases between the joints, joints will resist and thus will cause the joints pain. If Space reduces in thoughts, it is even more dangerous and causes anxiety disorder, irritating behavior, insomnia, and violence.