Rule number 3 of human body Water

The quality of is juice and it is controlled by Moon and Venus, it is related to our taste senses and our sensory pertaining to water element is our tongue. Being the primordial element of water element, maternity protection is ensured throughout the life of the person. This element ensures the success of the native in every work and endeavor.
  1. Water - The main quality of Water is coldness. Water also helps to lubricate and have sticky properties. Dry skin or burning sensation anywhere in the body can be treated by increasing the Water element. Excess of water in anyplace in the body or organ causes swelling. Excess of water increases the above-stated characteristics in our body and decreases the opposite. Water intake is useful in disease caused by fire element or pitta, Vata or air element. For example acidity, constipation, dryness, skin problem, excessive breakdown or accumulation of toxins. In other words, it works as the best detoxifying agent.